Waste and belief, Idaho, USA, Marc Herbst
Research assembly DAY#1 - Nuclear waste as nuclear cultural heritage, anti-nuclear activism and resistance, connecting past and future struggles, nGbK Berlin
Research assembly DAY#2 - Energy futures and solar politics, imaginaries of the future and the deep time of radioactive waste storage, nGbK Berlin
What are these floating icons? SALT. CLAY. ROCK. semiotics, Berlin, Katarina Šević
Bátaapáti field research report- March 2024, Bataapati, Hungary, Krisztina Erdei
SALT. CLAY. ROCK. Research Assembly at nGbK Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Overcoming Time Artist-led Field Trip and Community Pit-Firing with Csilla Nagy & Rita Süveges, Boda Information Park, Boda, Hungary, Csilla Nagy & Rita Süveges
Learning to curate the possibly radioactive, Erzgiberge
Krisztina Erdei with Dámiel Misota
Notes on possible nuclear revival; from Saxony to the World, Leipzig, Marc Herbst
NUCLEAR ENERGY PROJECT, a photo exhibit by the MOME photo MFA Erasmus, Paks & Bátaapáti, Hungary, Krisztina Erdei
Erasmus project exhibition, Paks, Hungary
Hosts and Hostages of Nuclear Infrastructures: Managing and Containing Nuclear Materialities in the Post-Soviet Space, Soviet Union and Russia, Eglė Rindzevičiūtė
Writing After Their Future- flash fiction from our sci-fi workshop, nGbK Berlin, Max Haiven and participants