Notes on possible nuclear revival; from Saxony to the World, Leipzig, Marc Herbst
SALT. CLAY. ROCK. Research Assembly at nGbK Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Accounting Issues: Does carbon counting unfairly penalize “free culture”?
Research assembly DAY#2 - Energy futures and solar politics, imaginaries of the future and the deep time of radioactive waste storage, nGbK Berlin
Research assembly DAY#1 - Nuclear waste as nuclear cultural heritage, anti-nuclear activism and resistance, connecting past and future struggles, nGbK Berlin
Challenge: Learning by doing
Discussion: Will our curatorial and scenographic choices be affected by our climate neutral mandate?
November 18, 2023
Notes on Germany's post-Ukraine war energy knot, Saxony, Marc Herbst
Accounting issues: Accounting for the impact of culturally transformative actions that may not be climate neutral?
Exhibition research display object 6: Wendland Flag
co2 logbook
Challenge: Working with short deadline in carbon neutral way
Exhibition research display object 7: Bátaapáti aerial photo
Waste and belief, Idaho, USA, Marc Herbst
What are these floating icons? SALT. CLAY. ROCK. semiotics, Berlin, Katarina Šević
Challenge: Organizing a climate-neutral production and protocol
Discussion: Everything digital is carbon neutral?
Overcoming Time Artist-led Field Trip and Community Pit-Firing with Csilla Nagy & Rita Süveges, Boda Information Park, Boda, Hungary, Csilla Nagy & Rita Süveges