On nuclear pasts
and radiant futures
Artistic research
and exhibition

Sonya Schönberger

Sonya Schönberger is a Berlin-based artist whose practice deals with biographical ruptures against the backdrop of political or social upheaval. The source of her artistic exploration are the people themselves, who tell about their stories in biographical conversations. This is how some archives were created, but also already existing, partly found archives flow into her work. Five years ago, she created the "Berliner Zimmer," a long-term video archive based on the stories of people in Berlin.

Sonya Schönberger and a jacket

Sonya Schönberger deals with how mining intersects with the storage of radioactive waste in the former salt mine of Morsleben, which was transformed into the GDR's final repository for low and medium-radioactivity waste. Her work connects the particularities of salt with the socio-political situation of this small village located close to the former German-German border.