"Chilling and Sweating" Taz review of SALT. CLAY. ROCK exhibit, nGbK
Exhibition research display object 1: Power plant chart, nGbK
Exhibition research display object 2: Stressball man, nGbK
Exhibition research display object 3: Tapestry
Exhibition research display object 4: Wismut/Bismuth
Exhibition research display object 5: Oppenheimer
Exhibition research display object 6: Wendland Flag
Exhibition research display object 7: Bátaapáti aerial photo
Exhibition research display object 8: Morsleben Chickens underground
Exhibition research display object 9: The Danube and Pak's agricultural history; the boat-mill
Exhibition 'Field Work - Thank you, this part of the visit is over.', K11 LABOR, Budapest
about SALT. CLAY. ROCK., Berlin, collective editorial
Learning to curate the possibly radioactive, Erzgiberge
Hosts and Hostages of Nuclear Infrastructures: Managing and Containing Nuclear Materialities in the Post-Soviet Space, Soviet Union and Russia, Eglė Rindzevičiūtė
Anna Witt
Research assembly DAY#1 - Nuclear waste as nuclear cultural heritage, anti-nuclear activism and resistance, connecting past and future struggles, nGbK Berlin
SALT. CLAY. ROCK. Research Assembly at nGbK Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ana Alenso
Csilla Nagy & Rita Süveges
Dominika Trapp
Katarina Sevic
Krisztina Erdei with Dániel Misota
Marike Schreiber
Waste and belief, Idaho, USA, Marc Herbst
Writing After Their Future- flash fiction from our sci-fi workshop, nGbK Berlin, Max Haiven and participants
SALT. CLAY. ROCK.: Opening Friday November 29th, nGbK Berlin